What is the theme of Pride and Prejudice? Pleace state your opinions by raising examples from the plot. Note that the theme is not equal to the plot. The theme is what the writer tries to convey or discuss in his work.
在”傲慢與偏見”一書中,一開始就點出:「凡是有錢的單身漢,都需要一位太太,這已是公認的真理。」(It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.)Jane Austen的”真理”在我認為就是當時社會普世價值所加諸於人們身上的框架,說穿了所謂的真理其實是作者針對於當下那種”門當戶對”價值觀的反諷。